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Florence Friday--getting motivated

Welcome to Florence, Italy
Firenze, Italia

Last year, I was rejected from the graphic design program at WWU.  I don't blame them.  At the time, I blamed budget cuts and the fact that I was already a Junior for my rejection.  But now I can't even open my portfolio without wanting to change something. I procrastinated, rushed, and came out with design pieces that were definitely below par.  I'm actually glad they rejected me.  Because that forced me to pursue plan B:  sending myself to an international design school in Italy.  

It's called the Florence Design Academy.  And it's "50metres away from the Piazza Duomo"...which I hear is tourist central. 

The school teaches classes in English...
which is GREAT. 
But also offers an Italian language course so I can read my way home should I get lost exploring...or be able to convince some cute Italian boy to walk me home. =)

I chose the school because it was in art central.  I can't think of another city that is more rich in ancient and contemporary art. So I don't think I'll have any trouble finding inspiration if all I have to do is walk down the street.

I've also never been outside the states before, and I don't want to lose out on a study abroad experience despite the fact that I'm nearing graduation.  I won't be going to Italy for another few years (you know, saving up money), but I need to get the process rolling and Florence Friday is supposed to get me motivated.  supposed to.

Maybe I need more inspiring pictures.
I'd drive fast in order to get pulled over by this beauty.
-Lambo Gallardo LP560-4 Italian Patrol Car-


  1. Dude, I would totally speed to get pulled over by that. That car looks like it should be in a science fiction film. Actually, I bet that it has been.

    I spite you in jealousy.

    Going to Italy for school sounds amazing and I hope it works out for you. Not sure what else to say. I'm sure there are a lot of starving artists around there and starving artists are easy to get in the sack. So I'm sure you'll have a great time. =p

  2. That car...just..Why can't my car be that cool?

    And Italy! Wow! So cool! I've only been to Canada, so I'm not a worldly person either. I really hope that these posts help you in your journey there :D

  3. Inoright? I got to see the new Lambo Revenant in person at a car show last october. It honestly looked like they had driven it straight from the bat-cave.

    But do you want to know the sad part about that particular car?(the patrol car above, not the batmobile) Some unqualified police man DESTROYED it. (I hope this turns into a clickable link because the wreckage is AWFUL)

    And CirceDuFace, I can assure you that space-age cars will be a prominent part of my blog. =)

    I've got a lot ahead of me in terms of what has to be done before I can REALLY go to Italy, so sometimes I just take it for granted that things will work out and I'll end up there within my timeline.
    However, I have the unfortunate foresight that prevents me from believing that for very long, and I constantly find myself re-writing my list of things to research for Italy transferring from week to week on my To-Do list, and feeling guilty every time.
    I look forward to Florence Fridays. =)

  4. Wow I am so jealous that you get to study at a design school in ITALY!!! That is so awesome! Kudos for getting rejected :) it worked out for the best. I went to Italy in high school with my spanish class and wished I knew Italian. Please learn up and teach me! I'm excited to read your upcoming Italy Blogs!

    1. I've never been to Italy before...but I'm watching all these shows where people travel to Italy and speak English to Italian people, and they have the blankest looks of utter astonishment. I'm so scared of this language thing!


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