I've been busy updating resumes for the last week, trying to find a job that I feel qualified for, here in the states...hopefully this is the job that'll pay for Italy. Hopefully. So far, my efforts have been focused more on the tech businesses (ehem...Microsoft). I still dream of working at Google Seattle...but I combed through their jobs pages and could not find anything I could even remotely hope of getting an interview for (they need a lot of engineers, and a lot of business people). I think it's just a matter of timing my entry right. Also, I'm not hoping for my dream job now. Just one that I find intellectually challenging (and thus, fun). So as I'm completing my resumes, I begin to wonder 1) What the heck I'm going to write for today's Florence Friday, and 2) what on earth would I put on a resume in Italy? So a quick google search leads me to this page , which I copied and pasted to my Italy tumblr so I could find it again. Nevermind that ...
"If you're going to read this, don't bother." -Chuck Palahniuk