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Sunday Crafties: Easter version!

It's 1am, and I ought to be sleeping, but for some odd reason my brain is going a million miles an hour.  Maybe that's the remnants of my coffee this morning, and my chai tea in the afternoon.  I bet it's the chai.

It doesn't keep much caffeine to keep me going.  Since I typically only drink water--very rarely will I drink juice, even...the once-a-month chai concoction is enough to keep me WIDE awake at night.

Anyhoooo.  Hoo!  >.<   or rather: O_O

Let me stress that it is late.  But I wanted to show you all how Easter went!
I had a whirlwind weekend that started off with me dropping off my boss in Lynwood on Saturday(egad, 1.5 hrs in a car with my boss!) and then, based on a text from my mom en route, continued my southern migration from there for an Easter weekend at home.

Here are the results!
Easter Chick, Ninja Turtle 'stache, Hipster egg, Panicked egg, Dead egg, Volleyball, Blue eyes, Bunny, Naruto ninja,
(yes Cirque, a Pokeball), and in the back, an exact replica of Van Gogh's Starry Night (blurry).

yeah...I can multitask
It was Ryan's idea to draw on them
in the first place. =)

And of course, in the name of nail polish, my sister painted Easter nails to match her egg.  =)
Isn't she the prettiest egg hunter?
Kae's toes next to our creations.


  1. Well golly! I'd never thought to draw on them too. Huh.


    1. It was my cousin's idea. He's the one who brought out the sharpie. I'm the one who stole and hoarded it.

  2. Srsly, that nail polish. I am so terrible at even doing the simple one color stuff.

    1. The cracked white layer on top is just "crackle" which paints on like your normal layer, and cracks as it dries. Creepy stuff. I'm not a fan of it in white. I prefer cracking a black shell over a neon underlayer. =)

      But the chick design? Yeah, she did most of it with a toothpick. >.>


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