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Interruption! TEDx Invite!

I've been out of the house on a scavenger hunt for men's jeans today, but when I got home and checked my email, guess what I had in my inbox????

a priority invite to TEDxVancouver!!!

Okay, so I did sign up for priority registration notifications....and everyone who clicked that button gets one of's exciting anyway.

I sent a request to be an intern for TEDxVancouver back when I lived in Bellingham, and I'm kinda wondering if they'll contact me for volunteers now.

Either way, this is almost as good as getting an email from Chris Anderson himself, although he won't be present at this one.

I also don't know if I"ll be attending.  It's very soon, and this ticket reservation I got expires in three days, and $100 is a lot of money for an unemployed potential technical writer, especially when gas is over $4 again.  =(

But if any of you are interested in driving up to Vancouver to check out the whole day, just click the registration button on their site, and you can have your very own priority letter.  =)

Hell, I'd just go to sit in the venue.  The Orpheum Theater is BEAUTIFUL.  Check it out.

And from the first four speakers they've released to the public, I'd be most excited to hear this woman: Chen Lizra.  She talks about the art of seduction in every day life. It's a seducing title for a talk, is it not?


  1. GO! GO! GO! Why?
    TEDx events are fantastical.
    You're clearly a fan of TED.
    You get to interact with the speakers.
    The word that makes me cringe-- NETWORKING.

    1. I'm pretty good at networking with normal people...but I think I might be a little too starstruck to do much of anything.

      and $99 is a lot! I don't even know who else is speaking. and Vancouver has done one for the past two years. ugggg. It's so SOON. =/ I don't make decisions this quickly.

  2. Very informative! Thanks for sharing. flooring


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