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Florence Friday: Italian Birthdays!

Tanti auguri (aka "happy birthday"...I think)


 Okay, so I know that last post of mine was super long, so here's a nice short one to make up for it.

The topic of this post came up today because this week I turned 23! I was casting about for post ideas when I realized that my birthday celebration might be different in a few years. 

From my understanding, birthdays here and there pretty much center around the same things: food, friends, and family.

The biggest difference between birthdays here in the states, and abroad in Florence, is who pays for the celebrations. Here, people take me out, pay for me, and shower me with gifts and well wishes. In Italy, I'd still go out (or stay in), people might bring gifts, kisses and well-wishes, but in the end
I, the festeggiato, pay for all of it.

Now, I'm not saying what I think of that just yet...I think in the interest of my new sleep schedule, I ought to be in bed now, so I'll save the rest of the post for tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime, I leave you with a slightly more appealing piece of news:
I have SO MANY delicious Italian birthday desserts to choose from. Just look!
