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Florence Friday 2013: Fireworks, Jobs, and Little Brothers

Hey-o! This is my first post of the new year and I'm attempting to get used to a "working person's" schedule. [read: getting up at zombie hours of the morning, rushing through the beautification process, skipping breakfast, scraping the frost off my car, stressing out while I wait for it to heat up, and waiting in an hour of traffic just to get to work on time. After work, I wait in traffic to get home, enjoy what little free time I have between all the activities we have going on, and go to bed at grandma hours of the evening, just to do it all over again...all for unpaid experience and a shot at a really fun job.  >.<  I'm a sucker, yet again.]

It's 11:30pm on the first Friday of 2013.  (yeah, I typed 2012 first.  I hate getting used to new dates!) and there's a strong possibility I'll be getting up early (read: 5am...that's BEFORE zombie hours!) to attend one of FIRST Robotics' Kickoff sessions. I've never been to one, and curiosity is battling with my overwhelming desire to sleep until the next predicted apocalypse -- which is sometime in 2017 if you're curious.


In the meantime, I need a source of money to keep me supplied.  The whole "saving up for Italy" only works when my savings aren't being eaten away by rising winter gas prices and a new 21.3 mile commute. So I've hit the job listings again, and somewhere through my burning eyes I managed to catch that Bungie (start-up creator of the Halo Franchise) is hiring!

Obviously this is exciting news. Bungie used to be a small start-up (I mean, a couple guys who used to write ad jingles for a living are the voices in the original Halo theme), and I have a certain affinity for start-ups, even if Bungie isn't small anymore. On top of that, I'd love to work in the gaming industry (let's just ignore my self-perceived lack of experience for the moment). And I just love video games... if you hadn't noticed from the general topics of the TEDtalks I choose to cover.

My brother, Acerflamma, who's a music genius and practically worships Bungie was sitting at his computer playing a game when I made this discovery.

Me: "Hey, Bungie is hiring for localization editors."
And they're looking for someone who can write creatively! Hey! That's me! I can edit! I love grammar!

Me, reading on: "Oh wait. It says I have to be fluent in German...or French...or Spanish...slightly rusty with that last one there...and I'm not great with foreign grammar either."

Me, clicking on to the next page: "oh, OH! They need someone to localize for Italy! They need someone who speaks Italian! Yes!"

Brother, without taking off his headphones, or even looking at me: "You don't know Italian either, Ash."

damn brothers and their dream-killing reality reminders.

So that's one more reason I need to get to Florence sooner. So I can learn Italian and snag a job at Bungie. (although, hopefully by that point, they'll take me on as a graphic designer.)

Happy Florence Friday!

and Happy 2013! The New Year's celebration in Italy is known as Capodanno.
History lesson: While the Italians did invent their own "hammer" style of aerial firework after the Chinese started the whole business in the 7th century, the Japanese style "flower" fireworks are still the most popular these days, and those are the ones most often 'sploded in Florence on New Year's morn. Enjoy.

Capodanno in Firenze, 2013
